• Who can join Womanique?

    All women. AFAB non-binary folk and trans women are all welcome in this space.

    NB: You must be over 18 to join Womanique.

  • What usually happens at a Women's Circle?

    Typically, we start the meeting with an ice breaker, especially if there are new-comers. This is followed by a general catch up before diving into the topic of that week's meeting.

    We end our sessions with a guided meditation and/or sharing session.

  • What topics are discussed in the Circle?

    We discuss a range of topics such as race, sexuality, spirituality, expression, platonic/romantic relationships, key resources and much, much more. Visit our blog for an idea of the types of conversations we will be having.

    We are always open to topic suggestions!

  • When are the Circles held?

    Circles are held on Saturdays at 11am to 1pm. We are based in Walthamstow. We try to host outdoors as much possible during the Summer. Check out our events calendar for more information.

  • What other events are available?

    We also organise guided hikes, and are working towards organising arts and crafts workshops, 1:1 life coaching, yoga & sound bathing sessions, and wellness retreats.

  • I'm nervous about coming alone. How can you help?

    We understand it can be daunting trying new things and meeting new people. If you are a nervous new-comer, please email or contact us on instagram and we will work with you to make your experience as comfortable as possible.

  • I value my privacy, what are your policies on confidentiality?

    We take your privacy very seriously. At every meeting, we remind attendees that anything said in the Circle must not be relayed or shared elsewhere. You are also in control of how much or how little you would like to share.

    Similarly, Womanique will never share any member’s details or personal information.

  • Can Womanique substitute professional medical help?

    Although Womanique can be an excellent place to learn more about yourself and discover new resources and techniques for healing, we are not run by medical professionals and should not be used as a replacement for professional help.

    If you feel you need urgent support, please make use of the following resources.