Meet Us

Sophia Roberts ~ Founder of Womanique

After embarking on my own healing journey, I discovered a plethora of useful tools and resources that helped propel me forward. As I delve deeper into my journey, I feel called to share this experience and bliss with all women.

I created Womanique as a sacred space of refuge and resoration for all women. In today’s world, community is severely lacking. The newfound desire for community is palpable, yet the spaces dedicated to creating it are minimal.

Womanique is guided by trauma-informed practice and seeks to create a space conducive with healing and self-exploration, regardless of your background or life journey.

Womanique is also dedicated to providing protected spaces for women of colour to express themselves and bond, whether it be through healing, growth or the desire for community.

With Womanique, you will find yourself immersed in sisterhood, creativity, and passion. We incorporate a range of activities from monthly women’s circles, guided hikes, and arts & crafts workshops.

Womanique is a safe and explorative space where true community is formed. We share resources and advice, make intentional connections, and overall have fun!

Whatever your interest, you will find a place to belong with us.

Qualifications & Training