Womanique Women’s Circle & Community

We aim to connect like-minded women who are curious and committed to embodying their true selves.

Our Mission Statement

Welcome to Womanique, a vibrant and empowering space designed exclusively for women. At Womanique, our mission is to cultivate a sisterhood that celebrates the strength, resilience, and unique stories of every woman within our diverse community. Through a range of transformative experiences, we aim to foster healing, connection, and personal growth.

Our foundation is built on the values of inclusivity, support, and empowerment. We believe in creating a safe haven where women can come together, share their journeys, and amplify each other's voices. Our women's circles serve as the heartbeat of our community, providing a sacred space for open dialogue, vulnerability, and collective healing. In these circles, we honour our shared experiences and diverse perspectives, recognising the beauty in our differences.

In addition to our women's circles, Womanique proudly hosts sober social events that prioritise connection without the need for alcohol. We understand the importance of creating spaces where authentic connections can flourish, free from societal pressures. These events provide opportunities for laughter, joy, and shared experiences that strengthen the bonds of sisterhood.

Creativity is at the core of our community, and our creative workshops offer a platform for self-expression and exploration. From art to writing, knitting to music, these workshops celebrate the diverse talents and passions of our members, fostering personal development and empowerment.

Embracing the healing power of nature, Womanique organises guided hikes, allowing our members to connect with each other and the natural world. These activities promote physical well-being, mindfulness, and a sense of unity as we navigate the paths of life together.

At Womanique, we are committed to uplifting and empowering women, creating a ripple effect of positive change in our lives and communities. Join us on this transformative journey as we build a supportive sisterhood, grounded in love, resilience, and the celebration of our shared identities.

Together, we rise.