
Sophia Roberts Sophia Roberts

The Mental Health Benefits of Walking: A Path to Wellness

Walking is a simple, accessible activity with profound benefits for mental health. As modern life becomes increasingly hectic, finding time for regular physical activity is essential. Walking, in particular, offers a range of advantages that support both mental and physical well-being, making it an ideal exercise for women looking to improve their overall health.

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Sophia Roberts Sophia Roberts

Rediscovering You: The Uncharted Journey of Dating Yourself

In the midst of our relationships and external pursuits, there's an underrated journey worth taking—the path of dating yourself. In a world that emphasises external validation and societal norms, dating yourself is about turning inward and rediscovering your own essence.

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exploration, breaking stereotypes Sophia Roberts exploration, breaking stereotypes Sophia Roberts

‘That’s Some White People Sh*t’: Dismantling Stereotypes and Embracing Adventure in the Black Community

In a world that is becoming increasingly diverse and interconnected, it's high time to challenge and dispel the limiting belief that certain activities, such as skiing, hiking, and various adventurous pursuits, are exclusive domains reserved for white individuals.

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community, authentic expression Sophia Roberts community, authentic expression Sophia Roberts

Be Kind, Not Nice.

I’ve always prided myself on being a ‘nice’ person. The human embodiment of Switzerland; nice and diplomatic. Rarely did people have problems with me.

Up until this year, I believed that this niceness made me a good person. Yet being nice has nothing to do with being a good person. Anyone can be nice, good and bad people alike. Kindness, however, comes from the heart. Kindness is intentional and is given with purpose.

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SA survivor, sexual healing Sophia Roberts SA survivor, sexual healing Sophia Roberts

My Body No Longer Belongs to Me.

This piece differs from my usual style. In lieu of the hopeful ending I typically favour; I come from a place of vulnerability. This isn’t to say that there isn’t hope in the experiences I am about to recall, however, I know how deeply painful and isolating it is to feel that no one understands the magnitude of feelings that torment you. So, my hope for this piece, is to word the indescribable, and ease that loneliness in you.

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twenties, exploration Sophia Roberts twenties, exploration Sophia Roberts

Terrible Twenties: Feeling Lost & Searching for Purpose

I’m sure you’ve heard of the ‘terrible twos’, but what of the terrible twenties? That awkward void you aimlessly float about, obsessively comparing your life to others whilst losing a seemingly never-ending game of hide and seek with your life’s purpose. One aspect of growing up I certainly wasn’t prepared for was the feeling of being stuck in two worlds: your adolescent life and true adulthood.

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womanhood, authentic expression Sophia Roberts womanhood, authentic expression Sophia Roberts

Expressions of Womanhood: Authenticity, Connectedness & Freedom

We yearn for freedom. To escape the mental enslavement enforced upon us by the patriarchal capitalist landscape we roam today. Rarely do we truly know ourselves. We plan our lives meticulously based on a set of desires we believe are ours, when in reality, they couldn’t represent us less if they tried. For this reason, we find ourselves eternally unfulfilled, dissatisfied with life no matter the achievement, trapped in a constant state of longing.

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