New Moon Circle

Welcome to our New Moon Circle, a sacred gathering where we harness the energy of the lunar cycle to cultivate intention, transformation, and renewal. Held at the onset of each new moon, our circle provides a nurturing space for women to connect with their inner wisdom, set intentions, and manifest their desires.

Led by experienced facilitators who honor the ancient wisdom of lunar cycles, our circle offers a blend of ritual, meditation, and guided reflection to support your journey of self-discovery and growth. As the new moon represents a time of new beginnings and fresh starts, our gatherings are an opportunity to release what no longer serves you and align with the limitless potential of the lunar cycle.

Each New Moon Circle is thoughtfully curated to explore themes such as intention setting, manifestation, self-care, and empowerment. Through guided exercises, journaling prompts, and sacred rituals, we create a supportive environment where you can tap into your intuition, clarify your goals, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and the natural world around you.

Whether you're seeking clarity on your path, looking to amplify your intentions, or simply craving a sense of community and sisterhood, our circle offers a space where you can honor your truth and embrace the magic of new beginnings. Here, you are supported, seen, and celebrated for all that you are.

Join us as we come together to honor the cycles of the moon, awaken our inner wisdom, and co-create a life filled with intention, abundance, and joy.

Welcome to our New Moon Circle, where the possibilities are as vast as the night sky.


45+ Wisdom Circle


Full Moon Circle